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Phase Coherency Architecture and Improved PPS Accuracy

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This paper describes Spectrum's newest technology and architecture, optimized for unit-to-unit phase coherency, with real-time sawtooth correction for PPS and new PPS jitter reduction. PDF format, 152 kB

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Summary of Time and Frequency Systems

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Presents an overview and description of the various concepts, characteristics and features of time and frequency systems in general and Spectrum products in particular. PDF format, 122 kB.

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Understanding Frequency Accuracy in Crystal Controlled Instruments


Anritsu has published a terrific plain-English application note that describes the various characteristics of crystal-controlled instruments. This paper does an excellent job of explaining terms and concepts, and helps to explain and correctly define terms that are commonly misused or misapplied. PDF format, 420kB. Note: Spectrum Instruments is not affiliated with Anritsu or its subsidiaries.

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